CASSIDY RECRUITING Legal Recruiting Firm
We provide attorney placement services to candidates and law firms. Our focus is twofold - we go into all major markets throughout the United States to connect partners with portable business who will mutually benefit with our national client base and we concentrate solely on the Texas markets for associate placement services. Our tunnel vision on these two goals allows us to recruit highly skilled legal professionals and identify opportunities that advance careers and law firm bottom lines.
CASSIDY RECRUITING Legal Recruiting Firm
We provide attorney placement services to candidates and law firms. Our focus is twofold - we go into all major markets throughout the United States to connect partners with portable business who will mutually benefit with our national client base and we concentrate solely on the Texas markets for associate placement services. Our tunnel vision on these two goals allows us to recruit highly skilled legal professionals and identify opportunities that advance careers and law firm bottom lines.

Notable Placements
- Catapulted firm into Am Law 100 with multi-market 60 attorney acquisition
- Established Am Law 15 firm Houston office
- Established Am Law 50 firm litigation section in Dallas
- Introduced and helped integrate Am Law 110 transactional practice in Dallas
- Placed partner who is now Hiring Partner at Am Law 10 firm
- Placed partner who is now Hiring Partner at Am Law 50 firm
- Placed Chair of the Firm’s Diversity Committee at Am Law 110 firm
- Placed M&A/Private Equity/Venture Capital group at Am Law 50 firm
- Placed Private Equity partner at Am Law 50 firm in Dallas
- Placed regional firm Labor & Employment partner at Am Law 100 firm
- Placed Am Law 50 transactional partner at rate-sensitive Am Law 125 firm
- Placed Intellectual Property Litigation Partner at Am Law 125 firm
- Placed regional “name brand” Insurance Defense group at Am Law 110 firm
- Placed regional firm “C&P” bankruptcy group at Am Law 100 firm
- Placed Tech Transactions/Private Equity partner at Am Law 50 firm
- Placed dozens of associates at firms of all sizes in major TX markets
Notable Placements
- Catapulted firm into Am Law 100 with multi-market 60 attorney acquisition
- Established Am Law 15 firm Houston office
- Established Am Law 50 firm litigation section in Dallas
- Introduced and helped integrate Am Law 110 transactional practice in Dallas
- Placed partner who is now Hiring Partner at Am Law 10 firm
- Placed partner who is now Hiring Partner at Am Law 50 firm
- Placed Chair of the Firm’s Diversity Committee at Am Law 110 firm
- Placed M&A/Private Equity/Venture Capital group at Am Law 50 firm
- Placed Private Equity partner at Am Law 50 firm in Dallas
- Placed regional firm Labor & Employment partner at Am Law 100 firm
- Placed Am Law 50 transactional partner at rate-sensitive Am Law 125 firm
- Placed Intellectual Property Litigation Partner at Am Law 125 firm
- Placed regional “name brand” Insurance Defense group at Am Law 110 firm
- Placed regional firm “C&P” bankruptcy group at Am Law 100 firm
- Placed Tech Transactions/Private Equity partner at Am Law 50 firm
- Placed dozens of associates at firms of all sizes in major TX markets